A Photograph Never Grows Old.

People change all through the months and years, but a photograph remains the same.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Bohemian from Binkydoodles

Summer..Summer..!! Worried about your outfit? Well, trouble no more, Binkydoodles got a solution for that. Here are the pictures of her designs . These photos were taken at Iloilo Province.
Binkydoodles is owned by Ms. Binky Pitogo, a  fashion designer in Manila who was raised in Iloilo. These are the latest designs of Binkydoodles. Here's her blogspot:misspinkybinky.blogspot.com
Model: Queenie Gasataya

Model:Fayne Conadera

Model: Marrah Trinidad

More Colorful Shots

More pictures for you my followers. Colorful isn't it? Enjoy the beauty of colors!